I was going to buy you earrings that fit with those beautiful eyes of yours,
I would give them to you a month from now, maybe more, as a gift for the one I adore.
I ended up putting them back, the price being too much.
That same day you told me I look pretty with makeup on,
I didn’t exactly know what to say, as the people I fall for usually don’t compliment me back.
I keep wondering what will happen if we end up together,
Will my classmates have something to say? I hope not.
I’d love your company, that’s all for today,
Your coppery red hair, so beautiful and soft-looking, and that sweet smile, your sweet sounding voice in the school choir, all that I adore about you
All the “Good morning’s” and “Hello’s” between breaks are nice, but I look forward to more than that.
Your eyes are of the most heavenly blue,
Your hair is red like dying embers,
and today, as I sat next to you,
I wondered if you have feelings for me too.
ful dore so in so true uhani so tok dragi:sob:(no lets be honest use je drago:sob:)
obožujem in komi čakam naslednji del<333
zakaj šele zdaj? mislim jaz čakam na objavo s tvojo poezijo že ful dolgo. in te pesmi so tako dobre. mislim vse je tako popolno tukaj:black_heart: in res nimam nič negativnaga za povedat. pa ti bom verjela na besedo glede uhanov, ker jih nimam.
Moj odgovor:

gimnazija bežigrad +kgbl
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