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značka Pisalnica: House 250 on Delby lane - 4. del

House 250 on Delby lane - 4. del

"Rachel are you okay?" Annie shouted, running down the stairs. Mick, however, walked over to the broken doll, picking up a large piece of the porcelain, and held it close to his eye.
"Well that's understandable," he said to himself, smiling.

When Annie reached the kitchen, she found Rachel sobbing, with her hands bloody, holding an equally bloody knife.
"Rachel are you hurt, tell me what happened," She said, walking up to her sister.
"I-I don't know how or why, but I must've blacked out a-and killed the stray cat that came in here," she answered through tears.
Annie looked at the center of the room, and saw a bloody pentagram drawn on the floor.
"Rachel, Rachel," she said, shaking her sister.
"Stand up, we have to get out of here."
"Okay," she replied, then stood up. The two of them ran to the door, only to find out it's locked.
"How's it locked, I swear it was open before," Annie whined, while furiously pounding the handle.
"Hey, Annie, where's Mick?"
"Upstairs, I guess."
Rachel looked around for something she could smash the windows with, and noticed a light coming from the kitchen. She ran inside, and saw Mick laying in the middle of the pentagram, which was now glowing. As she stood there, watching, a disturbing thing began happening. Mick's fingers began lengthening, and didn't stop until they were 30cm longer, while his thumbs were about 14 cm longer. Webs of skin grew between them, and his nails blackened and grew, forming sharp claws.
The entire process was silent, save for the sisters breathing.

Suddenly Mick opened his eyes and looked at them. They shrieked when his left eye was revealed to be a white glass orb, with streaks of blood flowing out of his socket. His other eye was red with a vertical pupil. He then stood up.
"Oh my God, Mick's possessed," said Annie, trembling from fear.
"Possessed? I'm not possessed, my master gave me the power-" He stopped mid-sentence and fell to his knees. His body convulsed, and then he stood back up again.

He spoke, and this time his voice was different.
It sounded demonic.
" As said before, I have the power to do my master's bidding. And, with this new body, I'm now fit to cause chaos! "
"The only thing you're fit for is a freakshow!" Rachel screamed at him. She was angry at Mick for tricking them, and leading them here.
"And so will your face when I'm done with you," Mick/Zalathu hissed through his sharp teeth, and lunged at her. She screamed, and Annie ran to find the exit, hoping she'd make it out alive, because she knew, that if she didn't, her screams would be the last thing heard from house 250 on Delby lane on that Halloween night.

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Izi bizi pesniška zbirka 1. del

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ni naslova

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Pes detektiv 11. del

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Šola pesništva (za coolgirl5) 1. del

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Izgubljena gozdna duša (fantazija) 1. del

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SAMO PLEŠI🌸 9. del

Ogledov: 40 Odgovorov: 4
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