upam, da besedil v pesmih ne jemljete preveč resno
What do I feel right now?
What do I feel?
Now, when it's not the same,
now, when my anger finally came,
now, when I can feel the flame.
Like a flower,
like a tree,
like a burst of power,
which is getting over me.
Flying like a bee,
like a bird in the sky,
but not so calmly
as a butterfly.
Mix of emotions,
mix of everything I feel,
everything I've done,
every single thing
and person
I have become.
Is that even me,
who takes control and rule?
Is that even me,
no one else but a fool?
Will I ever feel like then,
before I met her,
before I realised;
she is not a man.
Forgot her,
let her go,
but then again,
she didn't act so.
Still played with me,
her stupid little game.
Even if she'd see,
she would stay the same.
The same tricky person
and I can't even know,
what is she going to show.
Maybe the Cupid's bow?
The arrow would get stuck in my back
and break my heart in half.
I better start to pack.
Every time I try to stop,
she stands there,
she looks at me,
smiles at me.
Why is she stuck in here?
Even though I try to get away
and make myself angry
to get her a reason to hate,
she always finds a way
to make me stay,
untill I have to face it
and accept this fate.
Is that even me,
who takes control and rule?
Is that even me,
no one else but a fool?
hja to bo to, pls povejte mi če sem naredila kako napako :) in na splošno mnenja bi mi veliko pomenila <3
ful lepo, pa tk rima se :)
ful globoko besedilo, sam se uglasbit ga mors pa bo :sparkles:️hit:sparkles:️ :D
"Even though I try to get away
and make myself angry
to get her a reason to hate,
she always finds a way
to make me stay,":sob::sob:i just cantttt zena to je tk dobrrr
kot dobis besede?!
pa upm da se ti to ni dejansk zgodilo:sob:
anyways, i am patiently waiting na nasledn del od roznega cveta noci....:smirk::smirk:
fjn se mej<33
jaja brez skrbi moja bestie bo poskrbela za glasbeno spremljavo hehehe.
ja js tut lovam un dela hah.
nevem od ki besede sam random sm jih nametala 😂😭
khm no
glede zgodbe.. hja
thx še enkrat <3
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